Create plugin
Please, dont use DllMain.
This is fraught with unintended consequences.
Setup project
Step 0: Add sdk
- Menu bar -> File
- Add -> Existing project...
- Add
Step 1: Add sdk path
- Goto project settings
- C/C++
- General
- Add
intoAdditional Include Directories
Write plugin
- Step 0: Create main class
#include <swpsdk/plugin/plugin_base.hpp>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
class you_plugin_name final : public swpsdk::plugin::base<you_plugin_name>
// This method will be called when plugin redy to execute.
auto main(void) const -> void override
// Log message
spdlog::info("hello, world!");
- Step 1: Register plugin
#include <swpsdk/plugin/attach.hpp>
auto swpsdk::plugin::attach(void)->swpsdk::plugin::info* {
return new swpsdk::plugin::info{
// Write here game version
.game_version = version{ 1, 2, 3, 4 },
// Write here version of you plugin
.plugin_version = version{ 1, 2, 3, 4 },
// Base class have singleton instance of you class
.instance = &you_plugin_name::instance()